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You are already an educator!

You are already an educator!

Home-schooling is alternative form of education that you might be considering. For some families and students, it is another educational pathway that better suits the family values, a family’s way of life or even the individual needs of the child. But starting on a journey can be daunting, often raising so many questions and not knowing where to begin. You might feel lost because you aren’t a trained teacher, but think of it this way, you already are a teacher! From the minute a child is born they’re watching, listening and learning from everything we say and do. They mimic us in all their actions and behaviours, from learning to walk, talk, ride a bike and even how we treat those around us. So, why can’t you teach them academic skills too? 

Home-schooling provides children with the opportunity to have a unique education. You can create your own routine, complete work as it suits your family, be flexible to suit the needs of your learner and you can move as fast or slow as you need.  If you have multiple children undertaking home-schooling, you’re able to personalise the environment, modify the learning and customise the overall experience to suit the individual needs of each child. There is no one way or right way. 

As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else, you know their interests, triggers, quirks and everything else in between. You know how your child responds in different situations and you know how to respond to their reactions. What’s the difference between knowing your child as an individual and knowing them as a learner? You already answer the million questions they ask each day, you guide them, influence them and support them in all their endeavours. Schooling is no different. There are plenty of resources out there to guide you in your explanations and content knowledge and there are also so many other practical experiences that you can offer in this kind of environment! 

Just have a listen to Joshua Stiemle, a regular parent who took a leap to change his family’s way of life and doesn’t regret a single minute.