www.wiseminds.com.au - Wise Minds Australia

Life Goals

Life Goals

Life Goals!

Is that the best two words to describe a desire to truly live in our best and authentic self? 

To eliminate that shadow of guilt that follows many of us as parents? 

To trust in our minds to ultimately know what the right choices are? Lets go with it! Life Goals


Connection, growth, empathy and consciousness are some of the personality focus a lot of us have for ourselves or for our loved ones. 

We would love to learn what is something you feel is important or are working on yourself? 

What are some of the other mindsets and personality and behaviour traits that are important to live a fulfilled and happy life? 

We dived into exploring the plethora of content available for parents and adults in general and grabbed four of todays favourites to share. A little something on reaching the pinnacle of life, empathy, parenting, the parenting high bar and even a self test!

Collectively learning and developing ourselves means our children naturally develop into cooler humans. 

Take a look at some of our Wise Minds Australia mental health members who have a wide 

variety of skills and expertise!


Discover a little more about yourself by learning about your Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism! The more we understand who we are and why the better equiped we become to overcome and establish a ore fulfilling life and of course this always helps us as parents!

Test me


How did your parents respond to you as a child when you were upset? Can you see the impact of their imprints in your life as an adult? What is the magic ingredient when raising an emotionally intelligent child? This talk explores all these questions along with how the lack of emotional literacy in our culture has significant power when it comes to the way we parent.

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The parenting section of the bookstore is overwhelming—it's "a giant, candy-colored monument to our collective panic," as writer Jennifer Senior puts it. Why is parenthood filled with so much anxiety? Because the goal of modern, middle-class parents—to raise happy children—is so elusive. In this honest talk, she offers some kinder and more achievable aims.

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Geoff Thompson Explores How You Can Find Your Inner Treasure. Geoff speaks about the fear pyramid and how it effects us. He discusses conquering your fears and moving into your truer self. We have a crush on Geoff and how beautifully open he is with his audience each and every time he sits in front of a camera. 

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